Sponsored: Gained by participating in NHS Beta Volunteer activities Non-sponsored: Gained by volunteering individually
The buttons below lead to the Northview Beta hour log, which members turn in to Mrs. Hart-Sekman's room (508) at the end of every summer, spring, and fall semester.
Note: Hour logs are only for regular hour volunteer events. To check how many Beta-sponsored hours you currently have, please click on the "Beta Sponsored Hours" button!
Betas sometimes struggle to find regular volunteer opportunities. Please do realize that if you received any money while you volunteer, it is not considered a volunteer hour at all. Here are several suggestions:
You would need to go to the library itself and fill out an application form. After submitting it, you will receive an email to attend their orientation. Then, you will be able to volunteer at the library any time you find convenient.
There are multiple Betas who attend church/temple events and help out. These opportunities would be optimal to get your regular hours, as it is also convenient.
Even volunteering at another Northview club's event counts as a regular hour. As long as you put in time to help others, your work would count as at least a regular hour.